Prerequisites Overview
The biggest prereq, especially for people using this package internally, is obtaining a protein structure.
When a structure is not available in the PDB, you need to do two things: (1) decide which fragments of proteins to model, and (2) model those fragments.
To choose which fragments to model, I wrote some python scripts that I'll go over in future sections.
To model fragments, we will use two tools: I-TASSER (for template-directed modelling) and QUARK (for de-novo modelling). Both of these tools are located on O2 at /n/groups/drad/
Quick Reference
A quick reference for important folders and notes.
Naming Convention
All headers are named "Protein_FragmentID_LocationStart_LocationEnd", where location is optional.
is a PF00505_HMG_box pfam from the O15347 protein located from residues 93 to 161, inclusive.O15347_full_protein
is the full protein sequence for the O15347 protein.
PDB files are nested in folders with their protein and fragment identifiers.
The .pdb models for
are located at/n/groups/drad/all_pdb_models/human/O15347/O15347_PF00505_HMG_box_93_161
The .pdb models for
are located at/n/groups/drad/all_pdb_models/human/O15347/O15347_full_protein
Modelling utility scripts
Utilities to generate pfam-aware fragments to model: Modelling_Pfam_Selection
, this git repository.
Utilies to run I-TASSER in high-throughput: /n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/BatchScripts
Utilities to run QUARK in high-throughput: /n/groups/drad/QUARKmod/BatchScripts
Utilities to move, archive, and run modelling files: /n/groups/drad/julian/Modelling_Monitoring
Utilites to track the progress of runs: /n/groups/drad/all_pdb_models/progress_logs
Modelling pipeline
Decide what sequences to model, usually using the scripts
in the git repository.Create csv file in format "header,sequence"; upload to O2 in a new BatchJobs directory. csv file for I-TASSER should have sequences under 1500aa, csv file for QUARK should be under 800aa.
, make amain
folder within the BatchJobs directory.Run
with-i main -o scripts
with-s scripts
.Each day, monitor job progress. Use
to centralize all models and archive jobs, and then/n/groups/drad/all_pdb_models/progress_logs/Makefile
to generate a summary of the completed jobs.Many jobs will fail. To check and re-run failed jobs, use
with appropriate parameters.