Running uniprotmetal
It is pretty straightforward to extract metal binding sites from UniProt.
First, you should grab xml files for each ID of interest from UniProt. To do this, I provided
in this repo:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: bash [IDs] [outfolder]
# IDs: A newline-seperated file containing all uniprot IDs to be queried
# outfolder: folder to put the files in! (do not include final)
# Note: downloads in xml format
while read up; do
wget -O "$2/${up}.xml" "${up}.xml"
done <$1
Then, you can use python to parse those xml files. To do this, I provided
in this repo.
That script is a bit more involved, usage:
Usage: python3 [xml_folder]
Where xml_folder is the folder where all of the uniprot XML files are located
It includes a few nice features. For example, it converts from UniProt terms to simple metal binding. For example, 'Iron-sulfur (4Fe-4S)' maps to just 'Fe', and "Calcium 2" maps to just "Ca". Here are the full mappings:
'Iron (heme proximal ligand)': ["Fe"],
'Zinc 3': ["Zn"],
'Iron (heme axial ligand)': ["Fe"],
'Calcium 2; via carbonyl oxygen': ["Ca"],
'Magnesium': ["Mg"],
'Calcium 2': ["Ca"],
'Magnesium 1': ["Mg"],
'Magnesium or manganese': ["Mg", "Mn"],
'Calcium; via carbonyl oxygen': ["Ca"],
'Zinc 2': ["Zn"],
'Divalent metal cation; catalytic': ["Ca", "Cr", "Co", "Cu",
"Fe", "Pb", "Mn", "Mg", "Ni", "Sn", "Zn"],
'Iron-sulfur (4Fe-4S)': ["Fe"],
'Zinc; catalytic': ["Zn"],
'Calcium 1': ["Ca"],
'Calcium': ["Ca"],
'Zinc 4': ["Zn"],
'Iron; catalytic': ["Fe"],
'Zinc 1': ["Zn"],
'Iron (heme distal ligand)': ["Fe"],
'Calcium 1; catalytic': ["Ca"],
'Calcium 3; via carbonyl oxygen': ["Ca"],
'Copper': ["Cu"],
'Iron-sulfur (4Fe-4S-S-AdoMet)': ["Fe"],
'Magnesium 2': ["Mg"],
'Calcium 3': ["Ca"],
'Zinc': ["Zn"]
If you run the script as specified, it will print out all uniprot-derived metal binding features.