The LOMETS runscript is in the I-TASSER suite code, specifically at /n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/I-TASSERmod/
To run, LOMETS just requires a path to the I-TASSER package, some library files, java, and the directory where it can find a .fasta
file containing your sequence of interest.
Specifically, I use these arguments:
: Path to the main I-TASSER directory. So,/n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/
: Path to library packages for I-TASSER. So,/n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/ITLIB
: The sequence name (I use uniprot id) for the sequence you're modelling. For example,Q9Y5Z9
: Path to a java distribution. We use/n/app/java/jdk-1.8u112
: See the I-TASSER docs for more info. We useserial
: See the I-TASSER docs for more info. We usereal
: Where will LOMETS put intermediate and output files? I usually just use the same directory where I put the.fasta
: Your O2 username. For example, Roger's isrlc18
Here's an example full O2 script:
#SBATCH -p short
#SBATCH -t 00-06:00
#SBATCH --mem 1500M
#SBATCH -o /home/js741/CarbonylationSite_Prediction/Human_Proteins/lomets_helpers/LOMETS/main/O75446/logs/lomets_run.out
#SBATCH -e /home/js741/CarbonylationSite_Prediction/Human_Proteins/lomets_helpers/LOMETS/main/O75446/logs/lomets_run.err
/n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/I-TASSERmod/ -pkgdir /n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/ -libdir /n/groups/drad/I-TASSER4.3/ITLIB/ -seqname O75446 -datadir /home/js741/CarbonylationSite_Prediction/Human_Proteins/lomets_helpers/LOMETS/main/O75446 -java_home /n/app/java/jdk-1.8u112 -runstyle serial -homoflag real -outdir /home/js741/CarbonylationSite_Prediction/Human_Proteins/lomets_helpers/LOMETS/main/O75446 -usrname js741