I built a stable web application for creating directed graphs to constrain the gfpop changepoint-detection algorithm. Commit history.

Users can run an entire analysis in the app, or they can construct a graph and export it as R code.

The application is an R package available here. It is hosted through at this address. More documentation is available here.

The application is well-tested, but still needs more integration tests. Rewriting components in JavaScript would increase efficiency. Some features, such as analysis of gfpop accuracy, are not yet implemented. I hope to continue patching this project after the GSOC period.

Introduction and Contribution

Where do sudden changes in data occur? While changepoints may be apparent by eye, accurately identifying changepoints algorithmically without any prior information is very difficult.

Luckily, in scenarios where a researcher wants to detect changepoints, they often have some prior information about changepoint patterns. For example, imagine that you are modeling electricity flow through a light switch. You should expect electricity flow to suddenly increase when the switch is “on”, and suddenly decrease when the switch is “off”. In this case, you expect your changepoints (the times at which the switch is turned “on” or “off”) to alternate between “up” and “down” states with higher and lower average amounts of electricity, respectively.

In 2018, Toby Hocking, Guillem Rigaill, and others introduced an efficient algorithm to detect changepoints by incorporating prior information about changepoint patterns. They named the algorithm “Generalized Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning”, or GFPOP, and developed an associated R package, gfpop.

gfpop asks users to encode prior information about changepoint patterns as a directed graph. In the light switch example above, the directed graph would be an “up” and a “down” node and two edges, one going from “up” to “down”, and another going from “down” to “up”.

The gfpop package provides Edge and Node classes so that users can build directed graphs to constrain the GFPOP algorithm. However, it would be more intuitive if users could build graphs visually by, for example, clicking and dragging between two nodes to create a connecting edge. It would also be helpful if it were easy to visualize how nodes and edges in the graph correspond to changepoint locations in the data.

This summer, Toby Hocking and Guillem Rigaill mentored me as I created a web application, called gfpopgui where users can interactively build graphs and see how modifying their graphs impacts the results of the gfpop package.

You can find the application online here, or you can run a local copy with devtools::install_github("julianstanley/gfpopgui"); gfpopgui::run_app().


The application is built with R Shiny, along with a little bit of JavaScript.

The application has four pages. The “Home” page contains some instructions on how to get started, and is also where users can upload their data (including already-completed constraint graphs or .Rdata files containing whole analyses), or generate some sample data.

The “Analysis” page is where most of the application lives. Here, users can interactively build a constraint graph. They have the option to build the graph by (i) clicking directly on the nodes or edges, (ii) clicking on cells within a data.table, or (iii) inputting parameters in text boxes and drop-down menus and clicking buttons to add, edit, or delete nodes and edges. Then, users can press a button to run gfpop with their custom data and then view the outputs.

Importantly, the “Analysis” page includes cross-talk between the custom constraint graph and the plot that shows the results of gfpop. When a user hovers over a changepoints in their data, the corresponding graph node is highlighted, and vice-versa.

In addition, users may save full clones of previous data on the “Analysis” page, allowing them to experiment with new graph structures without fear of losing a previous, stable version.

Since the application does not have a user system, gfpopgui users should export all of their analysis before exiting the application. To do so, they can navigate to the “Sharing” page, which includes a quick preview of the current analysis, as well as buttons to download different aspects of the analysis.

Finally, the “Help” page includes some additional documentation and links.

Shiny and Javascript Logistics

Most of the application relies on the Shiny framework. There are different ways to format a Shiny application, and I choose to use the guidelines provided by the golem package. That is, the application is:

  1. contained within an R package,
  2. broken into modules
  3. tested via testthat, and
  4. documented with roxygen, like the package it is.

The application is generally divided within a shiny::navbarPage(). Then, each page is separated into a different shiny module.

In the future, the application might be improved if I can separate the application into more modules. While the one-module-per-page approach is more advantageous than not using modules at all, it doesn’t conform with the spirit of modules, that is, creating reusable parts with which a broad application can be built.


gfpopgui relies on a lot of dependencies. Most notably, it heavily relies on plotly and visNetwork to create interactive plots of the data/changepoints and the constraint graph, respectively. And each of these two packages rely on various other packages in turn. While plotly and visNetwork are both quite stable, gfpopgui could be improved by reducing the number of dependencies.


A lot of my time this summer has been dedicated testing. Namely, there are four main ways to test shiny applications:

  1. unit testing
  2. integration testing via testServer()
  3. integration testing via shinytest
  4. integration testing via RSelenium and SauceLabs.

In my opinion, this is also the order of the difficulty of implementing each testing framework–unit tests are generally easy to write, fast, and transparent, whereas integration tests that involve a headless browser, such as shinytest and RSelenium, are much more difficult to implement.

All four of these methods rely on testthat for expectations.

My first approach to testing was to functionalize as much as possible, and use unit tests. This approach was amenable to most of the functionality in gfpopgui and is very transparent. In the golem framework, functions are defined in separate files, prefaced with fct_. Each of the fct files have unit tests in an associated tests/testthat/test-*.R file. For example, the unit tests for R/fct-graph-helpers can be found at tests/testthat/test-graph-helpers.R.

Then, I was left with functionality that requires reactivity, and therefore cannot be tested with unit tests. For those features, I used testServer(), a new method in the shiny package that allows to users to direct test server modules without the use of a headless browser. Those tests can be found in test-integration-testServer.R.

However, testServer() cannot test any features that require javascript. For that, many users use the shinytest package. However, I had some trouble implementing shinytest tests–I could only run these tests locally. One future direction of the project could be better defining and troubleshooting problems implementing shinytest.

RSelenium is also an option for testing features that require javascript. It required a lot of troubleshooting to set up, and I wrote a few gfpopgui tests through that platform, but I regret that I could not write more. I have written down what I learned about the setup here.

In total, I tracked coverage with and the current commit has a code coverage of around 92%. For more information, see the project’s CodeCov page.


Throughout this project, I kept approximately-weekly, blog-style logs of my progress. You can find those articles here.

To better explain how the application itself works, I created a series of tutorial videos. Those are hosted on YouTube and you can find them here.

Continuous Integration

When the master branch is updated in the gfpopgui repository, there are four continuous integration actions triggered:

  1. Travis CI: CMD Check. A CRAN CMD check is performed by Travis.
  2. Travis CI: deploy. Travis automatically deploys all changes to the server.
  3. GitHub Actions: Cross-platform CMD Check. GitHub actions performs a CRAN CMD check on macOS-latest, windows-latest, ubuntu-16.04 devel, and ubuntu-16.04 release.
  4. GitHub Actions: pkgdown render. GitHub actions runs pkgdown::build_site() to update the documentation website.

Future directions

While I think the gfpop GUI is relatively stable right now, I think there is a lot of room for improvement. Namely,

  1. Features. Some additional features would make the application more useful. For example, (a) changepoints themselves, rather than just changeregions, should cause graph edges to be highlighted; (b) users should be able to view quantitatively how much the predicted changepoints differ from their expectations/the ground truth; and (c) a user management system, where individual users can save all of their data to a database, would reduce the need for saving and loading.

  2. Efficiency. Different components of the application could be optimized. For example, cross-talk between the plotly visualization and the constraint graph should be done client-side, without Shiny.

  3. Testing. The application needs more integration testing. For example, right now download handlers are not tested.

In the previous sections, I discussed some particular future directions. Additionally, reference the issues page for more current information.